June - (13/06/18)

Release Type: Out of schedule
Date: 13/06/18
Version: 2018.6.13.1

Bug Fixes

  • ESR GO 1 files were not being processed due to a configuration change.

  • On the Add/Edit Expense page, the 'Reasons' field was only displaying reasons which have previously been amended since creation.

  • An issue with Expenses360 meant that users were unable to sync expense items from the app to the Expenses website and also prevented new devices from being registered.

  • The link that is included in approver reminder emails was not working correctly.

  • Claims were not being progressed to the next signoff stage after the Expedite 'Validation' stage. The claims appeared as though they had progressed, displaying in the approver's Check & Pay menu, but the stage was still set as 'Validation'.