- From the Homepage, click My Claims.
- Click the Current Claims option. The number of current claims you have is displayed in brackets. If you do not have any current claims (0), you can skip to step 4 of this guide.
- Click New Claim from the Page Options menu. This page also displays a list of your current claims which you can View, Edit or Delete.
Note: Depending upon your system configuration you may only be able to have one current claim at a time. If this is the case, the New Claim option will not be displayed within the Page Options menu. This is controlled by your system administrator.
- This will direct you to the Add/Edit Claim page where you can specify:
- The Claim Name (a default is provided).
- The Description.
Note: You will be re-presented with this screen prior to submission of your claim, where you can enter additional information, if required at that time.
- Click Save and your claim will be created; you will then be directed back to the Current Claims screen. This will provide a list of all of your current claims.
- For information on how to start claiming expenses, view Add an Expense.
- For information on how to submit a claim, view Submit a Claim.