Create a Claim

  1. From the Homepage, click My Claims.

  2. Click the Current Claims option. The number of current claims you have is displayed in brackets. If you do not have any current claims (0), you can skip to step 4 of this guide.

  3. Click New Claim from the Page Options menu. This page also displays a list of your current claims which you can View, Edit or Delete.

    Note: Depending upon your system configuration you may only be able to have one current claim at a time. If this is the case, the New Claim option will not be displayed within the Page Options menu. This is controlled by your system administrator.

  4. This will direct you to the Add/Edit Claim page where you can specify:

    • The Claim Name (a default is provided).
    • The Description.

      Note: You will be re-presented with this screen prior to submission of your claim, where you can enter additional information, if required at that time.

  5. Click Save and your claim will be created; you will then be directed back to the Current Claims screen. This will provide a list of all of your current claims.