Manage Budget Holders


You will require an Access Role with the following permissions:

  • User Management (Budget Holders)

  1. Navigate from the Home page to Administrative Settings | User Management | Budget Holders. This will display a list of any existing budget holders which have been created.

  2. Click New Budget Holder from the Page Options menu.

    • Alternatively, you can do the following:

      EditClick  to edit an existing budget holder.
      DeleteClick  to delete an existing budget holder.

  3. Complete the following details:

    General DetailsDescription
    Label*Enter the label for the budget holder. For example, this could be "Head of Finance" so that it is easier to identify than the employee's name.
    Employee Responsible*Type to search for an employee within Assure Expenses. Relevant search results will appear after typing three characters.
    DescriptionDescribe the purpose of the budget holder and add any other relevant information which will help users differentiate this budget holder from others which have been created.

  4. Click Save.