Date: 09/05/19
Version: 2019.5.8.1
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue where the option to settle an advance was displayed despite the advance not being fully accounted for. (154945)
- Fixed an issue that was causing an error to display when deleting a receipt. This issue only applied to very small selection of users. (164536)
- Fixed an issue where a non-reimbursable expense item total counted towards the total allocated amount on an advance. This issue occurred after editing and saving the non-reimbursable expense. (162027)
- We've improved the error message which appears when trying to create an advance in a foreign currency where there is no exchange rate available for today's date.
- Fixed an issue where the 'Outstanding Corporate Card Transactions' report was only displaying a single transaction where there were multiple transactions with identical details (date, amount, employee etc). (164451)
- Fixed an issue where advances were being overallocated in certain circumstances, leaving a negative value on the advance. (164069)
Removed Features
- The Quick Entry Forms feature and all related options have now been retired from Assure Expenses. (152317/164105)