Date: 07/11/18
Version: 2018.11.7.1
- We have updated the receipt viewer which now offers new functionality and an improved user experience.
The receipt image will now display in a lightbox view which provides you with a selection of buttons to manipulate the image (zoom, rotate, pan) and browse through any other attached images. Alongside this, when initially viewing the image, it will fit your screen size rather than displaying zoomed in.
These changes apply when viewing images from the Receipt Management, Claim Details or Claim Viewer pages. (129724)
- Updated the Save and Cancel buttons on the Receipt Management page to adhere to our product standards. (129633)
- As part of our product rebrand, we have updated a number of assets within Expenses and on the API Documentation site including product logos and branding colours.
- We have tidied up and removed certain obsolete fields to prevent redundant information from being stored. As a result, some report fields will no longer be available and may cause custom reports to error if they contain any of the fields that have been removed. (157538)
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue which caused an error when attempting to view an ESR import log. This problem occurred on ESR v2 imports only. (157881)
- Fixed an issue which caused a delay when attempting to edit a GreenLight relationship attribute. (158021)