Create a Custom GreenLight Menu


You will require an Access Role with the following permissions:

  • GreenLight Management (Menu Management)

  1. Navigate from the Home page to Administrative Settings | GreenLight Management | Custom Menu Management. This will display the Available Menu Structure tree and the Custom Menu Details.

    • The Available Menu Structure lists each of the product menus within a tree format, including the Home page, system menus and any custom menus which have been created.

    • The Custom Menu Details section displays the General Details of a menu selected from the tree. This also includes the Icon tab which allows you to select an icon to display on the menu.

  2. From the Available Menu Structure, select the existing menu under which you want the custom menu to appear. In this example, selecting "Base Information" will allow you to create a sub-menu underneath "Base Information". From the Available Menu Structure header you have access to Add New Menu, Delete Menu, Move Menu Up and Move Menu Down.

    Tip: Custom menus can be dragged and dropped to different locations within the Available Menu Structure.

  3. Click the  icon to create a new custom menu which will be given a default name of "Custom Menu". Enter a new Menu Name and Description within the Custom Menu Details section.

    • You can use the  and  icons to change the order of a selected sub-menu.

  4. Click the Icon tab and select, or search for, a suitable icon to be displayed on the menu.

  5. Click Save to store the new custom menu.

    Note: In order for users without administrative permissions to access a custom menu, it will need to be placed on the Home page.

    Note: Empty sub-menus (with no GreenLight views assigned) will not display to users.