August - (02/08/2022)

Date: 02/08/22
Version: 2022.7.26.2

New Mobile App Enhancements

  • We've added a new "Help" option to the new mobile app to allow access to the help and support knowledge articles. To access Knowledge Owl from the app, use your credentials.  (188656)

New Mobile App Bug Fixes

  • We've fixed an issue where the screen went blank in the mobile app when adding an expense to the current claim. This occurred when the company did not have any costing breakdown enabled and/or the claimant did not have any default codes set up. (188651)

  • We've amended the number of decimal places for the expense item when entering the number of miles without journey steps in the mobile app. Now, it matches the number of characters allowed when entering the expense through the web version. (188628)