Create a Static Column


You will require an Access Role with the following permissions:

  • Reports

A Static Column is used to display specific information in the form of a report column, which may only be significant to your organisation and not obtainable from the report data within the product.


You require a column at the beginning of a financial export which populates a specific reference number, only related to your organisation. This reference number is required in order for your payroll team to action payments appropriately. Using a Static Column, you can display the reference number, within its own column, as the first column in the report data. This example can be seen in the steps below.

  1. From the Report Details screen, click the Columns tab.

  2. Click . This will display the New Static Column dialog where you can build and define the report column.

  3. Enter a Column Name which will appear in the column header.

  4. Enter the text that you want the Static Column to display.

  5. Click Save to add the Static Column to the report. You will then be able to view this column within the report preview.