Release Notes - 09 December 2021

Date: 09/12/21
Version: 2021.12.08.1

New Features

  • We have added the option to import credit card statements form Silicon Valley Bank, Bank of America, and Nat West Bank, so that claimants can reconcile the transactions to their claims. (187157, 187175, 187219, 187220)

Bug Fixes 

  •  We have fixed an issue that could cause the date format for internal support tickets to be displayed one hour different. Now, the correct time will show for the local time zone. (186713)

  • We have fixed an issue related to the date format for the audit log that caused users to see items outside of the specified date range in the results. Now, when users perform actions leading up to or just after midnight, they can only see the relevant records in their filtered results. (180916)

  •  We have fixed an issue related to the claim history record, where the time was displayed as being one hour different to the actual time due to local time formats and daylight-saving times not being fully considered. Now, when a claim moves to the next authoriser level, it always shows the correct time for the appropriate local time zone. (187029)

  • We have fixed an issue related to the styling of the odometer readings page, where the “New Reading” field was not displayed as a mandatory field. (35588)

  • We have fixed an issue related to the “Cancel” and “Save” buttons in the “Change My Details Page”. Now, the “Cancel” and “Save” buttons appear in the correct order and are consistent with the button order for the rest of the product. (99631)

  • We have fixed an issue related to the currency symbol. Previously, a currency symbol of two or more characters only displayed the first character or repeated the first character. Now, the symbol displays correctly. (187240)

  • We have fixed an issue related to the styling of the odometer readings page. Previously, there were inconsistencies in the displayed messages, capitalisation, and quotation marks. (187272)

  • We have fixed a consistency issue related to the receipt radio button when adding a new expense to a claim. Now, all receipt radio buttons are set to “No” by default. (51410)

  • We have fixed an issue related to the format of the validation messages for the Expenses odometer readings page. Now, they display in a consistent format. (187319)

  • We have fixed a consistency issue related to the default setting of the “Event in home city” radio button when adding a new expense to a claim. Now, all radio buttons are set to “No” by default. (187320)

  • We have fixed some styling issues in the Expenses Audiences page related to the “Audience Name” field. (44281)