February - (06/02/2023)

Date: 06/02/2023  
Version Number: 2023.2.3.2

Bug Fixes

  • We've updated the mobile app to allow the chosen code to be correctly viewed when it is used in general details rather than a cost code breakdown. (188588)  
  • We've enhanced the mobile app wallet receipt for iOS devices to resolve an intermittent issue. Now, the receipts can be added directly to the wallet and displayed before going for OCR processing. Previously, there was an intermittent problem where some receipts did not display. (188999)  
  • We've updated the mobile app to ensure that where cost codes are configured to appear in the general details section of the claim in the tailoring options, the claimant can see the cost codes when adding an expense item to their claim. (189093)  
  • We've updated the mobile app so that when the claimant is adding an expense item to the claim from a receipt in the wallet, and either of the VAT options is selected, these will remain selected on saving the expense item. (189131)  
  • We've updated the mobile app so that the claimant cannot change the cost code breakdown percentage where their access role does not permit them to change their cost code allocation. Previously, this was allowed on a second or subsequent code where the allocation was split across multiple codes. (189168)  
  • We've fixed an issue on the mobile app where the claimed item could not be approved by a cost code owner where the approver was part of a team responsible for approving claims with the cost code. (189301) 
  • We fixed an issue in the mobile app where under certain circumstances when using GPS mileage with the add location before/add location after steps could prevent the claimant from adding the journey to the claim. We've also updated the Save button to make it more noticeable. (189379)  
  • We've updated the mobile app so that when users save an expense from a receipt in the wallet that has failed OCR processing, it does not cause a problem. (188957)  
  • We've updated the mobile app so that when users add an expense item defined as a standard item, which is configured to request the number of miles and a total to be claimed, the total entered by the claimant remains unchanged, and is not recalculated as a pence per mile mileage item. (189128)  
  • We've fixed an issue in the mobile app so that when a claimant adds an expense from a receipt in the wallet, they can select that there is VAT included on the receipt and have the system calculate the VAT amount. Previously, this was not allowed if OCR did not find the VAT value on the receipt and recorded this as zero. (189129)  
  • We've fixed an issue in the mobile app so that when a user adds an expense that is configured to include either a date or time user-defined field, the field will now display correctly for completion by the claimant. Previously, the user-defined field of type date/time was not always displaying and if the field was mandatory the expense item could not be saved to the claim. (189343)  
  • We've updated the mobile app to prevent a newly archived cost code from being assigned to an expense item when adding an expense to the current claim. (189528)  
  • We've fixed an issue in the mobile app so that user-defined fields will appear to the user with the display name that was entered by the system administrator rather than the name set in the system when the user-defined field was created. (189597)  
  • We've made a change to the mobile app so that when users choose to split a coding allocation across multiple codes by changing the percentage to less than 100%, the split will initially offer the same codes as the original allocation. The codes in the split may then be changed as required, according to the role permissions. (189736)  
  • We've updated the My Profile section of the mobile app so that vehicle details can be looked up for a new vehicle entered by the user. Previously, the new vehicle details might fail to be looked up if the automatic vehicle document option was not enabled in the tailoring options. (189915)  
  • We've fixed an issue in the mobile app where the address lookup functionality caused an error when the user entered an address search query containing no alphanumeric characters, for example "...". Where alphanumeric characters were used to find an address no error was encountered. (189923)  
  • We've made an update to the receipt wallet so that when you refresh the screen, the total unclaimed amount retrieves again for display based on the OCR results for all receipts in the wallet. Previously, the amount displayed as zero on refreshing the screen. (190018)  
  • We've updated the mobile app to ensure that the exchange rate from the corporate card transaction is used when reconciling a transaction to a claim and that this takes precedence over the system exchange rate used for cash items. (190020)  
  • We've made an enhancement to the mobile app so that when claiming an expense in a different currency, the total for the claimed item is converted at the correct rate, and displayed on the current claim in the currency that will be used to reimburse the claimant. (190140) 
  • We've updated the mobile app for iOS devices, to navigate the user to the device permissions area if permissions to access photos are set to "none" but the user tries to add a receipt from the gallery. (188594)

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