August - (15/08/19)

Date: 15/08/19
Version: 2019.8.14.4

New Features

  • We've created a new API endpoint so that you can now retrieve bank accounts for an employee. The endpoint (GET BankAccounts/Employee?employeeId={employeeId}&includeArchived={includeArchived}) will allow you to pass in an employeeID and decide whether to include archived accounts, before returning the bank accounts configured for that employee in Assure Expenses. (166896)

    Note: API users will require the 'Employee Bank Accounts' access role element in order to use this new endpoint. 


  • To improve security we've removed the ability for an administrator to change an employee's password. This means that an administrator can now only send a password reset email to an employee so that they can set their own password.

    As part of this update, the 'Send Password Email' option will be enabled by default when adding a new employee. This means that each employee that is created will automatically receive two emails containing the credentials and a link to set a password. (165793)