Receipt images could not be attached to my expense items prior to Validation?
During the Scan stage, receipt images will be matched to the appropriate expense items by our Expedite colleagues. All receipt images must be attached to the correct expense items prior to the Validation stage.
If attaching receipt images to the appropriate expense items is not possible, the claim will be returned to you. The unmatched receipt images are attached to the Claim Header within the Receipt Management menu.
- A notification will be displayed on the Claim Details page which contains a link to the Receipt Management page.
- Click the link to be directed to the Receipt Management page. You can then match the remaining receipts to the appropriate expense items within the claim. Expense items which require a receipt image will appear in red.
Note: During this stage, receipts that have already been attached to an expense item cannot be moved or deleted, only copied.
- Click Save at the bottom of the Receipt Management page. This will display a declaration to confirm that all possible matching has been completed and to progress the claim to the next stage. The Claim History will be updated to reflect this.
- If you unable to match any remaining receipts to the appropriate expense items, you will need to confirm that no further matching is possible.
- If you unable to match any remaining receipts to the appropriate expense items, you will need to confirm that no further matching is possible.
What do I need to do if my envelope has not been received?
If your envelope has not been received within a certain number of days (set per organisation during the implementation of Expedite), the Claim History will update and display that the envelope has not been received after X days. To allow you to confirm whether the envelope has been sent or not, a new notification will display on your Claim Details page which states that envelopes have not been received in the time frame set by your organisation.
- Click the link in the notification. This will provide you with options that you can select to help identify the status of the envelope. The options will prompt you to select:
- Posted Late
- Presumed Lost
- Click Save to inform the Expedite team of your selection.
Note: You may also receive an email informing that the envelope has not been received. This is configured by your system administrator.
What is checked for validation?
During the validation process, a number of checks are carried out to ensure HMRC compliance. A full list of these checks is available in Expedite Validation Checks.
Why has the VAT I inputted been deleted on my expense item?
There is no need to panic. The Expedite operator has the ability to turn VAT on or off depending on the type of expense items you have put on your claim. You cannot claim VAT on certain items, and our Expedite operators will make sure that your claim is HMRC compliant. For more information, visit Expedite - Expedite Validation Checks.
Why is the VAT amount on my expense item lower after the Validation process?
Our Expedite operators have the ability to change VAT amounts on your expense items. They are there to make sure your claim is fully compliant with HMRC regulations. It is likely that your expense item does not allow VAT to be claimed. For more information, visit Expedite - Expedite Validation Checks.
Can I claim multiple expenses under one expense item, by combining the receipts?
No. In a scenario where the expenses were incurred at different times, for example, a two way trip over a toll bridge, it must be claimed as two separate expense items. Validation will fail if a claim is submitted in this way.
Multiple expenses have been added to a single receipt, do I need to separate these into different expense items?
Yes. Although the items are on the same receipt, for example, lunch and stationery, these will need to be recorded as different expenses types so that they are recorded accurately within Assure Expenses. If the reason for the expense does not match the receipt, it will fail validation.
Can I unsubmit my claim if it has been validated?
Yes. If your claim has been validated but has not yet been paid, you can still unsubmit it.
If you unsubmit the validated claim it will return to your current claims and it will need to go through each approval stage again if it is resubmitted. The original validation results will be reset. If the claim has been paid, you will be unable to unsubmit it.
Note: If a claimant has a stage of 'Scan & Attach' in their Signoff Group, the claim can not be unsubmitted once it has passed this stage.
How do I claim for only a portion of the expenses on my receipt?
To claim for less than the receipt total, ensure that the amount entered is less than the receipt total.
My expense item has failed validation, what do I do next?
For more information, view Validation Results - Claimant.
How is an expense item configured for Assure Expenses Expedite Validation?
During implementation, your organisation will be able to specify which expense items in their system will be marked as 'validatable' and create any Custom Validation Rules which are not covered in the 16 point validation check (custom validation rules are limited to 3 per expense item). These options are controlled from within the Expense Items menu and can only be edited by RLDatix, however, they will be visible in a Read-Only mode to your organisation's system administrators.
An administrator can view the configuration by following the steps below:
- Navigate from Home to Administrative Settings | Base Information | Expense Items.
- Click
next to the expense item that you want to view.
- Click the Validation tab (this will only be visible for organisations who have the Validation service licenced).
- This will display the options that have been configured by your organisation.
Why is there is a difference between the amount I am paid and the 'Claim Total'?
In most cases, the reason that the amount you are paid is less than the claim total is due to a non-reimbursable item on your claim. The most common example of a non-reimbursable item is a fuel receipt item.