Manage Approval Matrices


You will require an Access Role with the following permissions:

  • Approval Matrices

Add an Approval Matrix

  1. Navigate from the Home page to Administrative Settings | User Management | Approval Matrices.

  2. Click New Approval Matrix from the Page Options menu.

  3. Complete the following details:

    Approval Matrix Name*
    Enter a name for the approval matrix.
    Enter a description for the approval matrix.
    Default Approver*
    Enter the default approver.

    This should be a signatory who can sign off any claim value. This will only be used in instances where the system is unable to allocate the claim to another approver, for instance if a level is incomplete, or for holidays where a delegate has not been assigned.

    This will allow you to select an Employee, Team or Budget Holder.

  4. Click Levels from the Page Options menu.

  5. Click New Level from the Page Options menu.

  6. Enter the following details:

    Approval Limit*
    Enter the approval limit for this level of the approval matrix.
    Enter the approver for this level of the approval matrix.

    This will allow you to select an Employee, Team or Budget Holder.

  7. Click Save. This will return you to the Approval Matrix Details menu displaying the new level. Repeat this process to add new levels to the Approval Matrix.

  8. Once you have specified each of the levels, click Save.

Manage Approval Matrices

The Approval Matrices menu allows you to do the following:

Click  to edit an existing Approval Matrix.
Click  to delete an existing Approval Matrix.