Why does adding an item default to yesterday?
The date defaulting to yesterday’s date is a feature to assist you when submitting your expenses on a regular basis. Assure Expenses is available at any time as long as you have an Internet connection, therefore at the end of the day you can complete the day’s expenses without delay and negate the need to complete all of your expenses at the end of the month. The date can be changed by over typing with the correct date that the expense was incurred or by selecting the correct date using the date picker .
How do I customise my claim view?
Assure Expenses provides you with the ability to customise the fields which are displayed on the 'Claim Details' page. For guidance on this, see Change your View.
How do I amend a returned expense?
To amend an expense item that has been returned by an approver, visit Amend a Returned Expense.
Why have I been paid less than the amount on my claim?
A discrepancy between the amount you are reimbursed and the amount displayed on a claim typically occurs because of expenses that are marked as 'Not Reimbursable'.
Why is my expense marked as 'Not Reimbursable?'
Certain expense items may be configured by your organisation as 'Not Reimbursable'. As an example, some organisations may cover a variety of expense types for business trips but not allow certain types of entertainment i.e. theatre tickets. If the expense was incurred on the business trip, the company may want it captured for reporting purposes but may not allow the cost to be reimbursed to the claimant.
Who do I contact when my claim has not been approved?
The approver of your claim is displayed on the 'Claim Details' page. To view this, navigate from the Assure Expenses Home page to My Claims | Submitted Claims. Click the claim name to view the claim details for that claim. The current approver is displayed in the 'General Information' section of the page.
If the details are not displayed or are incorrect please contact your local administrator. For more guidance on this, view Contact your Local Administrator.
How do I contact my local administrator?
View Contact your Local Administrator.
Why am I unable to unsubmit a claim?
A list of potential reasons are listed below:
- The claim cannot be unsubmitted because it has already been approved.
- The claim cannot be unsubmitted as it has already started the approval process.
- The claim cannot be unsubmitted as it has either passed or is currently in an Expedite Stage - Scan & Attach or Validation.
- This claim cannot be unsubmitted because it has already been approved.
- This claim cannot be unsubmitted as there are other approvers at this stage that have not returned all of their items on the claim.
- This claim cannot be unsubmitted as items on the claim have already been paid.
- This claim cannot be unsubmitted as it has been escalated to you by someone else.
Why can't I approve my own claim?
Claims must be approved by an authorised approver to ensure that all procedures remain fully compliant with your company's expenses policy. Every user will have to have their claims approved to ensure that the claims are legitimate and within policy guidelines.
Can I edit a submitted claim?
You can only edit a submitted claim if you unsubmit it. This can be done by clicking Unsubmit Claim on the claim you wish to edit. This means that you will have to resubmit the claim once you are happy with it. However, you are able to add receipts to expense items at any point in the process.
Can I submit part of my claims?
Yes. This is only possible if your system settings allow you to split a claim. There are a list of the item types which you can submit: Cash Items, Credit Card Items, and Purchase Card Items. If you choose to submit part of your claim, the items that are being submitted will automatically be added to a new claim before being submitted. All other items will stay on the original current claim.
For more information about splitting claims, visit Submit a Claim.
Can I claim cash expenses and credit card expenses on the same claim?
Depending upon your organisation's system settings, you may be forced to submit only cash, credit card or purchase card items on a claim. It is best practice to get in touch with your administrator to confirm what item types can be claimed together.
Can I claim for return journey receipts?
Yes. Even though this may mean you are travelling on different days or using the two or more portions of a ticket at different times, the expense was incurred for that purpose. The date that would need to be entered onto the expense would be the date that the expense was incurred (paid for).
Can I record the date that I check out of a hotel, as the date of the expense?
The date recorded against an expense should be the date that the expense is incurred, i.e. the date that it was paid for. This may be the date that you check out of a hotel, however, it may be the date that you check in if you pay upon arrival. Check the receipt to see the date that the payment was made or the date the account was cleared.
How do I add an email as a receipt?
You can either take a screenshot of the email or convert it into a PDF file. In order to convert to PDF, open the email in Outlook, click 'Print' from the 'File' menu and then click 'Adobe PDF' from the list of available printers. This will allow you to save the email as a PDF to a location on your computer. Once you have a screenshot or PDF file saved to your computer, you can attach the file as a receipt.