Add Expense FAQs
Frequently Asked Questions related to adding expenses.
Mileage FAQs
Frequently asked questions relating to the Mileage.
Create a Claim
Explains how to create a claim in which to add your expenses to.
Add an Expense
Explains how to add common expense item types to your claim such as Mileage, Meals and Hotels.
Create a Copy of an Expense
Explains how to create a copy of an expense.
Add a Manual Address
Explains how to add a manual address if your address details could not be located automatically.
Mileage Icons
Explains the purpose of icons associated with the journey entry screen.
Reconcile a Corporate Card Transaction
Explains the two methods you can use to reconcile your Corporate Card Transactions.
Add Expense - Costing Breakdown
Explains how to split an expense over multiple cost codes, project codes or departments.
Home to Office Mileage Deduction Examples
Explains each of the Home to Office deduction rules in depth with real world, understandable examples.