Access Role
A role which can be assigned to a user, which allows that user to perform different functions within Expenses. Common Access Roles include, Claimant, Line Manager, Director or Administrator.
Address search service allowing users to input addresses quickly and accurately when claiming mileage. There are 4 levels of Address+ available.
A user who is responsible for configuring the options within Expenses, for your organisation.
Approval Process
The process that your claim must go through before any reimbursements are made. See Signoff Group.
A user who is responsible for approving a claim. An approver can also be a claimant and have their own approver.
Check & Pay
The area of the system where approvers can check and approve/reject claims after they have been submitted.
A claim is used to group Expense Items before sending them to your approver for reimbursement. The relationship between Claim and Expense Item can be likened to that of a paper expenses system, where the claim is the paper form and the Expense Item is the expenses that are written on the paper.
Claim History
The full history of a claim, which can be found on the Claim Details page. This records the date stamp, user involved, comment and stage that an action occurred against a claim, such as the claim being submitted or the claim being approved.
A user who is eligible to reclaim expenses.
Cost Code
A code, defined by your organisation, that an Expense Item or user can be assigned to.
A user which has been given permission to perform actions on your behalf, within Expenses. This user can use the Delegate Logon option to access your account and perform actions such as submitting your expenses. Delegates can be assigned within My Details | Delegates.
Duty of Care
Encompasses an employer's legal obligation to ensure the safety of their drivers. Includes all Expenses functionality relating to driver & vehicle information including: employee details, driving licence, insurance, MOT, tax and breakdown cover.
The process of converting information into unreadable data as a security measure. Protects sensitive information, preventing any unauthorised users from accessing it.
ESR Inbound
NHS users only. The second part of the bi-directional interface for the NHS Electronic Staff Record (ESR). Takes the input of ESR pay elements and transports them all the way through expense process, creating an ESR inbound report fully compiled with compatible claim information ready to export and integrate into the ESR payroll system.
ESR Outbound
NHS users only. The first part of the bi-directional interface for the NHS Electronic Staff Record (ESR). Receives employee updates with information such as new surname on marriage, change of address or the addition of new starters.
Expense Item
Used to reclaim different types of expenses which you have incurred. Multiple Expense Items can be added to a single claim. Examples of common Expense Items include Lunch, Parking, Hotel and Mileage.
Flags are used to alert claimants and approvers of policy breaches within Expenses. These are configured by administrators to enforce a specific expenses policy.
Item Role
A role which can be assigned to a user, which includes a collection of expense items and rules in order to control what that user can claim for.
My Claimable Expense Items
List of expense items a user is allowed to claim.
This stands for 'Optical Character Recognition'. This technology, used by Receipt Scan, allows text to be read and used elsewhere, such as reading information from a receipt image to populate your expense item details.
The elements of the product that a user is allowed to access. Permissions are configured within an Access Role, which are managed by administrators and assigned to users. For example, if the 'Currencies' element is included on an Access Role, all users with this Access Role would have permission to access the Currencies menu within Expenses.
Signoff Group
A Signoff Group is the approval process that your claim must go through before any reimbursements can be made. A Signoff Group can consist of multiple stages including varying types of approval and approver.
Single Sign-On. User authentication process that permits a user to enter one ID and password in order to access multiple applications.