Driver Check - Administrator FAQs


How do I activate/deactivate Driver & Vehicle Check?

For information on how to implement and configure Driver & Vehicle Check, see the 'Implementation' section within Driver & Vehicle Check.

If I activate Driver & Vehicle Check, can claimants still add their driving licences manually?

Once you have activated this feature, it would be best practice to try and ensure that all relevant claimants provide their consent so that the driving licences you store in Assure Expenses are up to date and accurate. However, in certain cases, you may have drivers who are unable to use this service due to not having a British licence or that do not want to provide consent, so they must be able to fall back to using the manual process.

These claimants will be required to refuse consent so that they can continue using the manual method of adding a driving licence and requesting driving licence reviews. Until the claimant has refused consent, Assure Expenses will still check for provided consent and will block attempts to claim mileage, if the claimant does not already have a valid manual driving licence review. For information on how to refuse consent, view Provide Consent for DVLA Checks.

Will a check occur for every claimant once the feature is activated?

No, once the feature has been activated for your organisation and then switched on within General Options, the following must be true for an automatic driving licence record to be created:

  • The claimant must have provided consent.
  • The claimant must not have a current and valid manual driving licence review, where the 'last review date' is more recent than the check frequency, set within General Options. For example, if the last review date on a claimant's manual licence review is 01/01/17 and the check frequency is set to 3 months, the claimant's first automatic check would occur on the 01/04/17.

Will claimants require a review of their driving licence if they are using Driver & Vehicle Check?

No, if a claimant has provided consent and is using Driver & Vehicle Check, they will not require a review of their licence before being able to claim mileage. This is because the licence data originated from DVLA and therefore the claimant will not be able to amend this information.

Some of my staff don't claim business mileage, do they have to provide consent?

If an employee does not claim business mileage for your organisation, there is no requirement to provide consent for DVLA checks. However, your organisation's Duty of Care policy may state otherwise.

Why are claimants being told they are unable to provide consent as their details are already being used?

The email address used to provide consent for DVLA checks must be unique. If this email has already been used, a claimant will be unable to use the same email to provide consent. This situation may occur for NHS claimants who use their email address. If a claimant experiences this issue, you will need to contact the RLDatix Service Desk.


Will there be a cost associated with this service?

The cost of using Driver & Vehicle Check is dependant upon the frequency of checks that are performed. For information on how to set the check frequency, view General Options - Duty of Care. For information on activating Driver & Vehicle Check and costs associated with this, please contact your RLDatix Account Manager.

What happens when our organisation runs out of credits to perform checks?

In order to purchase more credits, please contact your RLDatix Account Manager. We will be working on a menu which will provide your organisation with details of their remaining credits. This will be available in a future product update.


Which details are provided on a DVLA check?

Driver Check will allow your organisation to look up a claimant's driving licence information. All claimant driving licence information will be stored and details such as Licence Type, Licence Number, Valid From/To and Issue Number will be used in Assure Expenses.

Can I change the frequency of checks?

Yes, you can change the frequency of checks at any time from within General Options. This may incur further charges for checks which are required if you decide to increase the frequency.

Can you configure checks at different intervals for specific drivers?

No, currently you can configure checks at a set frequency for all claimants that have provided consent. Future product updates will allow your organisation to individually target high risk drivers.

Can we provide information to inform our claimants of specific policy rules?

Yes, you can create a broadcast message which can display to claimants when they log into Assure Expenses. For information on how to create a broadcast message, view Create a Broadcast Message.

Will a notification be sent if a claimant refuses consent?

Yes, an email will be sent to administrators to notify a claimant's refusal, confirming that the manual Duty of Care process must be followed in order for the claimant to continue claiming business mileage.

Is the data reportable?

Yes, every field which you can see is reportable. The data which you can see will be determined by your access role and permissions.

Will a leaver's driving licence still be checked if they have left the organisation?

In order for a licence to be checked, the claimant must be active within Assure Expenses (not archived) as well as having valid consent (which expires every 3 years). Therefore, if you archive the claimant, there will be no further checks on their licence.


Who owns the consent portal?

The consent portal is operated and owned by our partner LicenceCheck. LicenceCheck are ISO27001 accredited, like ourselves, and are also 'Cyber Essentials Plus Scheme' certified, which is a industry supported scheme relating to protection against cyber-attacks.

Where will this information be stored?

Once the DVLA check has been performed, the information retrieved will be stored in Assure Expenses against a claimant's driving licence.

Will delegate users be able to view the DVLA Consent page?

No. Due to the nature of the information available within this page, users will not have access to the DVLA Consent page when logged in as a delegate.


Why are there duplicate entries on the 'Driving Licence Information' report?

This can occur if a user has an automatically generated DVLA licence and a manually added driving licence linked to their account at the same time. If your organisation is now enforcing the DVLA Licence Check feature, you can delete the manually added licence. When the report is run again, the duplicate will be removed.