October - (10/10/19)

Date: 10/10/19
Version: 2019.10.8.8


  • We have added an enhancement to Expenses Expedite which allows the Expedite operators to amend the VAT amount on a claimant's expense item, updating their claim in the process. 

    Claimants can be safe in the knowledge that Expedite operators will guarantee that the correct VAT amounts are present on their expenses, maximising compliance with HMRC regulations. Any amendments by the Expedite operators will be recorded in the Claim History and Audit Log.

    Note: The Expedite operator will not be able to amend the VAT of a meal expense item which has any of the following:

    • 'Number of others' with a value of '1' or more
    • 'Number of directors' with a value of '1' or more
    • 'Number of spouses/partners' with a value of '1' or more
    • 'Number of remote workers' with a value of '1' or more

For more information regarding the Expedite validation checks, visit Expedite - Expedite Validation Checks. For an overview of Expenses Expedite, visit Expenses Expedite - Feature Overview. (145482) (168592) (168593) 

  • We have added an enhancement to Expenses Expedite which allows the Expedite operators to change whether VAT is applicable on a claimant’s expense item. The Expedite operator will have the ability to set the 'Does it include a VAT number and VAT rate’ question in Assure Expenses to 'yes' or ‘no’. The change will be automatically applied on the claimant’s expense item, removing the need for a user to amend the information if a mistake was made. 

    Note: When the Expedite operator makes a change, the NET and VAT values will be recalculated, and changes will be logged in the Claim History and Audit Log.

    For more information on Expedite Validation, visit Expedite - Expedite Validation Checks. (165794)

  • We've removed some options and made it easier than even for you to start using Expenses Mobile within your organisation. Expenses Mobile will now be enabled for all organisations, meaning that all your claimants need to do is download the app and then use their Assure Expenses credentials to log in.


    • General Options - The 'Expenses Mobile' tab and the associated option (Enable Expenses Mobile) has been removed.
    • Access Roles - The 'Mobile Devices' access role element has been removed.
    • Access Roles - The 'Mobile' product access option will now be enabled by default and cannot be changed. (167163)

  • We have made some improvements so that your odometer readings will now be linked to the claim that they have been submitted on. This will now provide you with the ability to report on odometer readings alongside mileage claimed.

    Note: This will not apply when specifying odometer readings when logging in or from your employee record. It will only apply when specifying the reading during claim submission. Deleting or unsubmitting a claim will remove any associated odometer readings.

    We've put together a small example of how you can now use this for reporting purposes, view Common Report Examples for more information. (158293)

  • We have improved the security of our password reset page by restricting the information that is visible in the URL. We have also removed the ability for delegates to change the password of the user they are logged in as. (167336)

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where the ESR Summary report would not show negative values in the ‘Period Cash Amount’ total column. This occurred when the administrator ran a Financial Export with a non-mileage expense item that contained a negative value. (164029)

  • Fixed an issue where named delegates could not access the 'Claim Viewer' menu when logged on as a delegate with 'Claim Viewer' permissions. (165570)