You will require an Access Role with the following permissions:
- Tailoring
- Colours
- Navigate from the Home page to Administrative Settings | Tailoring | Colours.
- This will display a grid of all of the customisable colour details within the product. You can change each of the colour details using the following methods:
- Type the hexadecimal code into the available field. You may wish to speak to your organisation's Marketing/Communications team to obtain the correct hexadecimal code.
- Click the colour palette icon to display a grid of colours. You can then click a colour to select it.
Outlined below are explanations of what each colour option changes within the product:
- Type the hexadecimal code into the available field. You may wish to speak to your organisation's Marketing/Communications team to obtain the correct hexadecimal code.
The header background colour changes the fill colour of the larger bar at the top of the screen and the background of the quick menu tooltips.
The header breadcrumb text colour changes the text colour of the breadcrumb, menu icon and the quick menu tooltips.
Page Title
The page title text colour changes the fill colour of the page titles at the top of the screen.
Section Heading
The section heading underline colour changes underline colour of the headers at the top of each section in a page.
The section heading text colour changes the text colour of the headers at the top of each section in a page.
Menu Options
The menu options hover text colour changes the text colour of the menu option links when the mouse pointer is placed over them.
The menu options standard text colour changes the text colour of the menu option links.
Page Options
The page options background colour changes the fill colour of the page options panel on the left side of the screen and the colour of links under it.
The page options text colour changes the text colour of the page options panel on the left side of the screen.
Field Label
The field label text colour changes the text colour of the page form labels and other small highlights.
Tab Option
The tab option background colour changes the background colour of the tabs on various pages.
The tab option text colour changes the text colour of the tabs on various pages.
Table Header
The table header background colour changes the fill colour of the table headers.
The table header text colour changes the text colour of the table headers.
Table Row
The table row background colour changes the fill colour of the table or grid rows.
The table row text colour changes the text colour of the table or grid rows.
Table Alternate Row
The table alternate row background colour changes the fill colour of any table or grid alternate rows.
The table alternate row text colour changes the text colour of any table or grid alternate rows.
Tooltip Colour
The tooltip colour background changes the fill colour of the tooltip popups.
The tooltip text colour changes the text colour of the tooltip popups.
GreenLight Colours
The section underline colour changes the colour of the underlining of each GreenLight Section header.
The section text colour changes the colour of the text on each of the GreenLight Section headers.
The section background colour changes the colour of the background on each of the GreenLight Section headers.
The label text colour changes the colour of the text used on each GreenLight field label.
A restore defaults button is available on the page which will restore to default colours if your custom scheme is not successful.