July - (18/07/19)

Date: 18/07/19
Version: 2019.7.18.1


  • We've made some improvements to the way that we handle and calculate cost centre split calculations to remove discrepancies in your financial export. Previously, when an expense was split over multiple cost codes, the split could cause small discrepancies between the expense NET/Gross/VAT and the NET/Gross/VAT based on split percentages. An example of this is shown below: (156558)


    Example 1
    Expense item gross total is £10.05 and is split between 2 cost centres:

    Cost centre 1 = £5.03
    Cost centre 2 = £5.03

    Total = £10.06 - (+1p discrepancy)

    If the expense is split between 3 cost centres, then:
    Cost centre 1 = “£3.35
    Cost centre 2 = “£3.35”
    Cost centre 3 = “£3.35”

    Total = £10.05 - (Correct)

    Example 2
    Expense item gross total is £10.04 and is split between 2 cost centres:

    Cost centre 1 = £5.02
    Cost centre 2 = £5.02

    Total = £10.04 - (Correct)

    If the expense is split between 3 cost centres, then:
    Cost centre 1 = “£3.35
    Cost centre 2 = “£3.35”
    Cost centre 3 = “£3.35”

    Total = £10.05 - (+1p discrepancy)

    This enhancement introduces some new logic which occurs in the background allowing Assure Expenses to account for the rounding of the pence, ensuring that the financial export does not contain discrepancies.

    New Calculations

    Example 1
    Expense item gross total is £10.05 and is split between 2 cost centres:

    Cost centre 1 = £5.02
    Cost centre 2 = £5.03

    Total = £10.05 - (Correct)

    If the expense is split between 3 cost centres, then:

    Cost centre 1 = “£3.35
    Cost centre 2 = “£3.35”
    Cost centre 3 = “£3.35”

    Total = £10.05 - (Correct)

    Example 2
    Expense item gross total is £10.04 and is split between 2 cost centres:

    Cost centre 1 = £5.02
    Cost centre 2 = £5.02

    Total = £10.04 - (Correct)

    If the expense is split between 3 cost centres, then:

    Cost centre 1 = “£3.35
    Cost centre 2 = “£3.35”
    Cost centre 3 = “£3.34”

    Total = £10.04 - (Correct)

    Note: The cost centre with the lowest percentage split will be used to make up the difference between the total and the sum of the other cost centre splits.

    Note: All split expense items from the point of this product update will use the new method of calculation. Running a previous export prior to this product update will use the older method of calculation.

  • We've made a change which will now allow your users to unsubmit their claim after it has passed through Expedite Validation. Previously a claim could not be unsubmitted once it had passed this stage. The following rules now apply:

    • If your claim has been validated but has not yet been paid, you can still unsubmit it.
    • If your claim has been validated and has also been paid, you will not be able to unsubmit it.

    • If you unsubmit your claim after it has been validated, the validation status/results will be reset.

    • If you unsubmit your claim after it has been validated, the claim will return to your current claims. If you resubmit the claim it will need to go through the full approval process again.

    • If you have the 'Scan & Attach' stage in your Signoff Group, the claim can not be unsubmitted once it has passed this stage. (153242)

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue with certain Date/Time fields throughout Assure Expenses where the time was being set incorrectly based on the date entered. (164242)

  • Fixed an issue with the styling on the cost centre breakdown table within an employee record. This now follows the same standards as other pages in Assure Expenses. (95300)

  • Fixed an issue with the API which caused Expenses Mobile to display an error when attempting to save an expense. This only occurred when the cost code breakdown was set to not display. (166617)