Release Notes - 11 July 2022

Date: 11/07/22
Version: 2022.7.11.2

New Enhancements

  • We have provided a new API End Point to allow the return of active assignment details for a specified employee, subject to access role permissions to view this information. This will return the assignment details, active setting, earliest start date, effective start, and effective end dates. The original API End Point to retrieve the ESR Assignment details for the current (logged in) user still exists and is unchanged. (188179)

  • We have updated the name of the ESR mileage field to "Mileage Rate Override" rather than “Mileage Override” to better reflect the purpose of the field, and so that ESR mappings are correctly configured. (188314)

  • We have updated the "Data Loader" to allow start and end date to be specified when assigning an item role to an employee. (187675)

  • We have enhanced the performance of the Fuel Receipt to Mileage Allocations calculations to prevent timeout issues. These issues could occur when making the calculations in systems where a very large number of mileage items are saved and are included in the calculations. (188176)

  • We have enhanced the expenses report writer to make the expense item country account codes reportable. Now, it is possible to include a separate code in the report for an expense item, depending on which country the expense was incurred in. (187980)

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