Add Expense - Costing Breakdown

The Costing Breakdown for an expense will automatically display an initial record which equals 100%, based on whether you have a default department, cost code or project code. Depending upon how your organisation operates, you may not use all three types of costing.

  1. Navigate from the Home page to My Claims | Current Claims. Within the Current Claims page, you will see a list of your claims which have yet to be submitted.

  2. Click on a current claim to open the Claim Details page.

  3. Click  to open the Edit Expense page and scroll down to the Department / Cost Code / Project Breakdown.

  4. Click on the percentage field of the Cost Code and modify as necessary. If you enter a percentage that is less than 100, duplicate fields will appear, allowing you to specify the breakdown.

  5. Continue to reduce the percentage field to add any further costing breakdown and click Save to confirm or Cancel to discard any changes and return to the Claim Details page.