General Information
If I am still using the manual Duty of Care process, what do I need to do?
If your organisation will not be using the Vehicle Check feature, you will need to continue to add your Duty of Care documentation manually and have this reviewed by your designated Duty of Care approver. For information on adding your Duty of Care documentation view Add Vehicle Documentation.
If my organisation enables Vehicle Check, what do I need to do?
When adding a vehicle, you will no longer need to add Tax or MOT documents. A lookup will be performed to automatically add the documents. These can be viewed within 'My Duty of care Documents'.
Note: After the vehicle Tax/MOT has expired, a new lookup will be performed to retrieve the vehicle document when next claiming using that vehicle. If the vehicle document is still invalid when the lookup is performed, it will need to be recorded manually.
How can I find out if DVLA Services are offline?
For information regarding planned DVLA maintenance, view DVLA Service Announcements.
Who can see my information?
The information which is supplied will only be visible to yourself and your designated Duty of Care reviewer (line manager or a specific team).
When adding a vehicle, what documents are automatically added?
When adding a vehicle, the Tax and MOT documents will be saved automatically if:
- Vehicle Check is enabled for your organisation.
- Tax/MOT are set as required documents by your organisation.
After you have saved the vehicle, a message will appear indicating which additional duty of care documents are required by your company.
Will vehicle documents be automatically added for existing vehicles?
For existing vehicles, the Tax and MOT documents will be looked up when first claiming a mileage expense using the vehicle if:
- Vehicle Check is enabled for your organisation.
- Tax/MOT are set as required documents by your organisation.
If there are valid Tax and MOT documents, they will be automatically populated, however, if the vehicle documents are invalid when the lookup is performed, a new vehicle document will need to be recorded manually in order to claim using the vehicle.
What about historical documents?
Vehicle check will only add current and valid Tax/MOT documents. Any historical records will need to be added manually.
Can I store multiple Duty of Care documents?
For each individual, one valid driving licence will be in effect at any given time. For every active vehicle that you are claiming mileage with, you can store one current vehicle document of each available type within the system (Tax, MOT, Service, Insurance and Breakdown Cover). All expired versions of these documents also remain in the system for historical claims information.
How can I check when my Duty of Care documents are due to expire?
To determine when one of your Duty of Care documents is due, login to Assure Expenses, navigate to My Details | My Duty of Care Documents and choose either My Driving Licences or My Vehicle Documents. You will see a list of the documents you have added with their associated expiry date.
Will I still be reminded before my document expires?
Document reminders are configurable by your system administrator. Contact your system administrator to confirm whether this option has been enabled within your organisation. r each individual, one valid driving licence will be in effect at any given time. For every active vehicle that you are claiming mileage with, you can store one current vehicle document of each available type within the system (Tax, MOT, Service, Insurance and Breakdown Cover). All expired versions of these documents also remain in the system for historical claims information.
My vehicle is under three years old and doesn't have an MOT record, can I still claim mileage?
Yes. When adding a vehicle that is under three years old, the system will use the registration number to calculate how much time remains until the vehicle requires an MOT.
Can I use my smartphone to add my documents and scan documents?
Although it is possible to scan documents using a smartphone, the functionality to upload and manage your Duty of Care documentation via mobile access is currently unavailable.