Holidays - Feature Overview


The Holidays feature allows you to enter your holiday dates into Assure Expenses so that during your absence, your approval email reminders will also be sent to your delegate. Once notified, your chosen delegate will be able to login and perform approval duties on your behalf.

Implementation/Best Practice

Note: You must be an approver within a Signoff Group in order to see the Holidays menu on the homepage.

  1. Before entering your holidays dates you should setup the delegate who will receive the approval reminder emails in your absence. Navigate from the homepage to My Details | Delegates and then configure the delegate. For more help on configuring your delegate, view Assign a Delegate.

  2. Now that you have configured your delegate, you can enter your holiday dates into Assure Expenses. Navigate from the homepage to the Holidays menu. You can then click Add Holiday and enter the Start and End Dates of your holiday. For more information, view Manage my Holidays.

Assure Expenses also allows you to configure your Signoff Groups so that holiday routing is predetermined at each stage. For information on how to configure holiday routing within Signoff Groups, view Configure Holiday Routing.