Driver Check - Feature Overview


Driver Check is an additional service available within the Duty of Care feature for Assure Expenses. Enabling Driver Check allows your organisation to undertake automatic Driving Licence checks, ensuring that your Duty of Care responsibilities are being adhered to. This service allows you to obtain fast and accurate real-time information of your employees' driving licences sourced from DVLA data. Although Duty of Care information can be added manually, Driver Check removes the requirement for driver information to be reviewed and approved, therefore significantly reducing the amount of admin burden.

Please speak to your account manager for more information about activating Driver Check.


  • Accuracy - Using verified information sourced from the DVLA will ensure that the records are as accurate as possible, removing the chance of typos associated with manual entry.

  • Reduce Administrative Burden - Further improving upon the standard Duty of Care functionality, removing the need for manual entry and review of driver information will save time for your claimants and administrators.

  • Compliance - Automating the Duty of Care process will help ensure that your organisation is compliant with its Duty of Care responsibilities.

  • Quicker Process - Removing the need for multiple stages in the approval process, a claimant's driver information can be processed and signed off quickly, speeding up the time it takes to be reimbursed for business mileage.


FeatureManual Process (Outside of Assure Expenses)Duty of CareDuty of Care with Vehicle CheckDuty of Care with Driver & Vehicle Check
System Generated Email Reminders
Efficient and Configurable Workflow
Create your Duty of Care Policy
Claim Restrictions based upon Duty of Care Policy
Enhanced Reporting
Full Audit History of Documents
Populate and review non-GB licences
Automatically populate vehicle MOT and Tax documentation
Automatic MOT and Tax documentation review process
Populate Assure Expenses with Information Sourced from DVLA
Automatic Review Process
Scheduled Updates of Driver Information
Self Service Claimant Consent Portal
Further Email Notification Options
Approver Visibility of DVLA Checks
Prevent Banned/Disqualified Drivers from Claiming Mileage

Implementation/Best Practice

Before activating Driver & Vehicle Check, it is recommended that your organisation configure and activate Duty of Care within Assure Expenses first. For more information on how to roll out the Duty of Care feature within Assure Expenses, view Duty of Care.

  1. Driver Check is part of the licenced element  'Driver & Vehicle Check' which needs to be activated for your organisation in order to use it. Contact your RLDatix Account Manager to activate Driver & Vehicle Check. Until activated, Driver & Vehicle Check options and menus will not appear within Assure Expenses.

  2. Provide staff with links to relevant help documentation and provide training. Links to help documentation on the Driver & Vehicle Check feature can be found in the Links section of this article.

  3. Configure the Access Roles for the claimants who will be using the Driver & Vehicle Check feature.

    • Navigate from the Home page to Administrative Settings | User Management | Access Roles.

    • Click  next to the Access Role that you want to edit.

    • Click the GreenLights tab.

    • Scroll down until you find Driving Licences and My Driving Licence Reviews. Select the appropriate check boxes. This will provide the claimant with access to the My Duty of Care Documents menu.

  4. Activate Driver & Vehicle Check within General Options and configure the relevant options. For more information on this, view General Options - Duty of Care. At this point, the DVLA Check Consent menu will appear within the My Duty of Care Documents menu.

  5. Communicate to your claimants that they need to provide consent for the checks to be undertaken. For information on how to provide consent, view Provide Consent for DVLA Checks.

    Once the feature has been activated for your organisation and then switched on within General Options, the following must be true for an automatic driving licence record to be created:

    • The claimant must have provided consent.

    • The claimant must not have a current and valid manual driving licence review, where the 'last review date' is more recent than the check frequency, set within General Options. For example, if the last review date on a claimant's manual licence review is 01/01/18 and the check frequency is set to 3 months, the claimant's first automatic driving licence check would occur on the 01/04/18.

      Note: Claimants who do not hold a licence issued by DVLA will be unable to use Driver & Vehicle Check. These claimants must refuse consent in order to continue using the manual Duty of Care process and claiming mileage. For information on how to refuse consent, view Provide Consent for DVLA Checks. Should a claimant not want to provide consent for another reason, they can also refuse the consent and return to using the manual Duty of Care process.


Feature OverviewsDuty of Care
Vehicle Check
Frequently Asked QuestionsDriver Check - Administrator FAQs
Driver Check - Claimant FAQs
General InformationGeneral Options - Duty of Care
Duty of Care/Driver & Vehicle Check - Process Diagram
ClaimantsProvide Consent for DVLA Checks