Manage Vehicle Engine Types


You will require an Access Role with the following permissions:

  • Vehicle Engine Types

Add a Vehicle Engine Type

  1. Navigate from the Home page to Administrative Settings | Base information | Vehicle Engine Types. This will return a list of any existing Vehicle Engine Types.

  2. Click New Vehicle Engine Type from the Page Options menu.

  3. Complete the General Details:

    General Details
    Vehicle Engine Type*
    Enter a fuel type that the vehicle supports, for example, Petrol.
    Enter an abbreviated code for the fuel type. This may be beneficial for use in external systems and reporting on specific fuel types.

  4. Click Save to store the Vehicle Engine Type.

    Note: For NHS organisations that use the ESR interface, Vehicle Engine Types will automatically be created within your Assure Expenses system if they are not already present and they come down in an ESR Import File.

Manage Vehicle Engine Types

The Vehicle Engine Types menu allows you to do the following:

Click  to edit an existing vehicle engine type.
Click  to delete an existing vehicle engine type.