Manage Employee Bank Accounts


You will require an Access Role with the following permissions:

  • Employee Bank Accounts

  1. Navigate from the Home page to Administrative Settings | User Management | Employees.

  2. Search for the employee and click  to open the Employee Details page.

  3. Click Personal and locate the Employee Bank Accounts section.

  4. Click New Bank Account to open the New Bank Account window and complete the required fields.

    Account Name
    Enter the name of the account.
    Account Number
    Enter the account number.
    Account Type
    Select the account type:

    • Savings
    • Current
    • Credit Card.
    Sort Code
    Enter the account sort code.
    Enter a reference for the account. This will help you differentiate between multiple accounts.
    Account Currency
    From the drop-down list, select a currency.
    From the drop-down list, select a country.
    For non-UK accounts, enter an international bank account number.
    Swift Code
    For non-UK accounts, enter the international bank identifier.

    Note: A validation service is used to ensure invalid account numbers and sort codes cannot be entered. Upon entering an invalid UK account number or sort code, you will unable to save the bank account until the details are corrected.

  5. Click Save to confirm or Cancel to discard any changes and return to the Employee Details page.

    Tip: Use the 'Employee must have at least one bank account to claim expenses' option within an Access Role to ensure that a claimant has an active bank account before being able to claim expenses.