What is Vehicle Check?
For a comprehensive overview of Vehicle Check, including how your organisation can implement it, view Vehicle Check.
Will vehicle documents be automatically added for existing vehicles?
For existing vehicles, the Tax and MOT documents will be looked up when first claiming a mileage expense using the vehicle if:
- Tax/MOT are set as required documents by your organisation.
- Vehicle Check is enabled for your organisation ('Enable Automatic Document Lookup' is selected in General Options).
If there are valid Tax and MOT documents, they will be automatically populated, however, if the vehicle documents are invalid when the lookup is performed, a new vehicle document will need to be recorded manually in order to claim using the vehicle.
If there is a manual document added to a vehicle, the automatic lookup will not take place until that document has expired.
How do I activate/deactivate Vehicle Check?
For information on how to implement and configure Vehicle Check, see the 'Implementation' section within Vehicle Check.
Some of my staff don't claim business mileage, will they be affected?
If an employee does not claim business mileage for your organisation, they will be unaffected by the Vehicle Check feature. employee does not claim business mileage for your organisation, there is no requirement to provide consent for DVLA checks. However, your organisation's Duty of Care policy may state otherwise.
General Information
Will there be a cost associated with this service?
No, Vehicle Check is free standard functionality within Assure Expenses for organisations who have enabled Duty of Care.
Is the data reportable?
Yes, every field which you can see is reportable. The data which you can see will be determined by your access role and permissions.
Where will this information be stored?
Once the document lookup has been performed, the information retrieved will be stored in Assure Expenses within a claimant's Duty of Care documents
How can I find out if DVLA Services are offline?
For information regarding planned DVLA maintenance, view DVLA Service Announcements.
Can claimants still add their vehicle documentation manually?
When Vehicle Check is enabled, Tax and MOT documentation will be automatically populated and therefore will not need to be added manually. However, claimants can still add vehicle documents manually if required, for example, if historical Tax/MOT documents are needed.
Users are able to enter multiple Duty of Care documents. Can these be added automatically as well?
Currently, the Vehicle Check functionality only applies to Tax/MOT documents.
Will claimants require a review of their Tax/MOT documents if they are using Vehicle Check?
No, when Vehicle Check is enabled, the Tax/MOT documents are populated automatically and will not require a review before being able to claim mileage.
As this information is automatically populated, the document status will appear as 'Automatic Lookup' within 'My Team's Vehicle Documents (All)'.
Will there still be email reminders to users for Duty of Care documentation that is due to expire?
Yes, email reminders are an option available within the Duty of Care feature and can be configured in General Options - Duty of Care.