Create an Allowance


You will require an Access Role with the following permissions:

  • Allowances

  1. Navigate from the Home page to Administrative Settings | Base information | Allowances.

  2. Click New Allowance from the Page Options menu.

  3. Complete the 'General Details' section.

    Allowance DetailsDescriptions
    Allowance Name
    Enter a name for the allowance.
    Select a currency from the drop-down list.
    If required, enter a description for the allowance.

  4. If required, enter a different rate for night work in Night Rate Details.

    Night Rate DetailsDescription
    Number of HoursEnter the number of hours a claimant must be working out of office in order to claim the night rate.
    RateEnter the night rate

  5. Click Add Rate to open the General Details window and then complete the required fields.

    General DetailsDescription
    Number of HoursEnter the number of hours a claimant must be away in order to claim the rate of the allowance.
    RateEnter the rate.

  6. Click Save to confirm or Cancel to discard your changes and return to the Allowances page.