We have created this admin quick start menu to help you configure and manage Assure Expenses. Clicking the icons will take you to the articles that we think will be most beneficial to you as an admin.
Set up Access Roles for your employees to determine what they can do on Assure Expenses.
Create Signoff Groups to determine the stages a claim has to go through to be approved.
Add Item Roles to determine which expense items an employee is authorised to claim for.
Create specific expense items that employee's can claim for such as business mileage and accomodation.
Manage your organisation's employees within Assure Expenses.
Configure Vehicle Journey Rate Categories to determine the amount an employee can claim for mileage.
Learn to use the Audit Log for in depth auditing purposes including searching, exporting and deleting.
Create and configure GreenLights on Assure Expenses. GreenLights are a licenced add-on feature to Assure Expenses.
Create rules in Assure Expenses to ensure compliance with your organisation's expenses policy.
If you can't find the information in sections above, click here to view all administrative topics with Assure Expenses.