Popular Articles

  1. Contact Your Local Administrator

    Explains how to find the contact details for your organisation's Expenses administrator.
  2. Create a Claim

    Explains how to create a claim in which to add your expenses to.
  3. Add a Receipt

    Explains how to add a receipt to an expense.
  4. Manage My Vehicles

    Explains how to add or delete a vehicle.
  5. Add an Expense

    Explains how to add common expense item types to your claim such as Mileage, Meals and Hotels.
  6. Approve a Claim

    Explains how an approver can approve a claim which has been assigned to them.
  7. Submit a Claim

    Explains how to submit your claim for approval.
  8. Add Vehicle Documentation

    Explains how to add vehicle documentation.
  9. Add Home & Work Addresses

    Explains how to add an employee's Home and Work address which can be used for Home to Office deductions.
  10. Add a Driving Licence

    Explains how to add your driving licence in Assure Expenses.