Expenses Mobile - Receipt Scan - Feature Overview
Explains the Receipt Wallet feature and how it can be used to streamline the process of adding expenses on Expenses Mobile.
Expenses Mobile - Receipt Scan FAQs
Frequently asked questions relating to the Receipt Scan process and your Receipt Wallet.
Expenses Mobile - Add an Expense using Receipt Scan
Explains how to add an expense using 'Receipt Scan', our OCR technology which helps you to add expense items from your Receipt Wallet by automatically populating key fields.
Expenses Mobile - Manage my Receipt Wallet
Explains how to edit and delete the receipts within your Receipt Wallet.
Expenses Mobile - Create a Claim
Demonstrates how you can create a claim using Expenses Mobile.
Expenses Mobile - Submit a Claim
Explains how to submit an expense claim and the additional options that may be displayed.
Expenses Mobile - Record a Journey
Demonstrates how to record a mobile journey using the GPS Mileage feature.
Expenses Mobile - Add an Expense without using Receipt Scan
Explains how to add an expense where a receipt is not required or available, such as business mileage.
Expenses Mobile - Manage my Expense Receipts
Explains how to manage your expense receipts.
Expenses Mobile - Enter details for a Split Expense Item
Demonstrates how you can split an expense item such as a hotel expense, into individual expenses such as meals, drinks and WiFi.
Expenses Mobile - Reconcile a Corporate Card Transaction
Explains how to reconcile a card transaction on Expenses Mobile.